Email Marketing in 2024: How to Set Up, What Tools to Use and Tested Templates

Automate Email Marketing: how to succeed in 2024 with tested templates

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  1. Emails by Type:

    1. Sales Emails (plus templates)

    2. Nurture Emails (plus templates)

    3. Re-engagement (plus templates)

    4. Cart Abandonment (plus templates)

    5. Promotional (plus templates)

    6. Feedback (plus templates)

    7. Educational Emails (plus templates)

  2. Subject Lines

  3. Sales Email Outreach Best Practices

  4. Other Tools & Best Practices to Consider

Email marketing remains a cornerstone strategy for businesses aiming to engage directly with their audience, foster long-term relationships, and drive sales. Crafting effective email campaigns requires more than just sending messages; it necessitates a strategic approach that encompasses understanding how to market through email, utilizing email marketing templates, and leveraging the best email marketing platforms. For small businesses, platforms like Mailchimp and Klaviyo offer specialized features, such as Mailchimp's free plan features and Klaviyo's email marketing for Shopify, providing robust tools tailored to different business needs. This guide delves into all the tools and nuances of creating impactful email campaigns, from top email marketing trends, list building techniques and improving open rates to implementing automated email marketing solutions and measuring the success of email marketing campaigns. Through strategic planning and execution, businesses can enhance their email marketing efforts, ensuring their messages not only reach their intended audience but also resonate and drive engagement.

Sales Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Sales emails are pivotal in marketers directly reaching out to potential and existing customers to introduce or promote your products and services. These emails are most effective when personalized and timed according to the customer journey stages, such as after a user has shown interest in your content or has engaged with your website. The primary benefit is driving conversions and sales by addressing specific needs, offering solutions, and highlighting the unique value proposition of your offerings.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • HubSpot: Offers a comprehensive CRM platform that includes email marketing tools to personalize and automate sales email campaigns. Its capabilities allow for segmentation, email scheduling, and performance tracking, making it suitable for executing sophisticated email marketing strategies for small businesses.

  • Ideal for sales teams, Apollo provides tools for email list building techniques, enabling targeted outreach campaigns with detailed analytics to measure success.

  • Klaviyo: Particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses using Shopify, Klaviyo allows for highly targeted sales emails based on customer behavior and purchase history.

Strategy and Implementation:

Implementing an effective sales email campaign involves understanding your audience, segmenting your email list to tailor messages, and crafting compelling content that encourages action. Utilize the Mailchimp Free Plan Features for a cost-effective start, gradually moving to more advanced platforms like Klaviyo for specialized needs. Incorporating automated email marketing solutions can help scale your efforts, ensuring timely and relevant communication with your prospects.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: Introduction and Value Proposition**

Subject: Unlock New Possibilities with [Your Product/Service]

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I'm [Your Name], and I specialize in helping businesses like [Recipient's Company] achieve [specific goal] through [Your Product/Service].

Many of our clients have seen [specific benefit or result], and I believe [Recipient's Company] could see similar results. Could we schedule a brief call to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name]


**Template 2: Solving a Problem**

Subject: How to Overcome [Common Problem] in Your Industry

Hi [Name],

Are you struggling with [common problem]? You're not alone. At [Your Company], we've helped numerous businesses navigate this challenge with ease.

 I'd love to share some insights on how [Your Product/Service] can help [Recipient's Company] overcome this issue. Would you be available for a quick call this week?

Best regards,

[Your Name]


**Template 3: Following Up**

Subject: Still Interested in [Solution] for [Recipient's Company]?

Hi [Name],

I wanted to circle back on my previous email about how we can help [Recipient's Company] with [specific solution]. Have you had a chance to consider our [Product/Service]?

I understand you're busy, but I believe a short conversation could be highly beneficial. Can we find a time that works for you to discuss further?


[Your Name]

Nurture Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Nurture emails are designed to build and maintain relationships with your prospects mobile users at every stage of the customer journey. They're particularly beneficial in keeping your brand top-of-mind, educating your audience about your products or services, and gently guiding them towards making a purchase. These emails should be used post-engagement, such as after a user subscribes to your newsletter or downloads a free resource.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • HubSpot: Its email marketing tools are excellent for creating automated nurture sequences that educate, entertain, and engage your audience over time.

  • Mailchimp: Offers a user-friendly interface and automation capabilities perfect for small businesses looking to launch nurture campaigns. Its free plan features allow businesses to get started with email marketing without upfront costs.

  • Klaviyo: For e-commerce sites, Klaviyo integrates with Shopify to create personalized customer journeys based on shopping behavior and preferences.

Strategy and Implementation:

Crafting a nurture campaign involves segmenting your audience based on their interactions with your brand and creating content that addresses their needs and interests. Effective email marketing templates facilitate the creation of visually appealing and engaging emails. Utilize automated email marketing solutions for timely delivery and leverage insights from measuring success in email marketing campaigns to refine your approach continually.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: Providing Value**

Subject: [Tip/Resource] to Improve Your [Area of Interest]

Hi [Name],

We thought you might enjoy this [tip/resource] on [topic]. It's been helpful for many of our clients looking to [achieve specific goal or solve a problem].

[Insert a brief description of the tip/resource and how it can be applied]

For more information or assistance, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

Best wishes,

[Your Name]


**Template 2: Success Stories**

Subject: How [Client's Name] Achieved [Specific Result]

Hi [Name],

Seeing is believing, right? Check out how [Client's Name] was able to achieve [specific result] by using our [product/service].

[Insert a brief case study or success story].

Let's explore how we can achieve similar results for [Recipient's Company]. Ready to chat?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


**Template 3: Industry Insights**

Subject: Latest Trends in [Industry] for [Current Year]

Hi [Name],

Staying ahead means keeping up with the latest. Here's what's trending in [industry] this year:

- Trend 1: [Brief description]

- Trend 2: [Brief description]

- Trend 3: [Brief description]

How can [Recipient's Company] leverage these trends? Let's discuss!


[Your Name]

Re-Engagement Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Re-engagement emails aim to rekindle interest among subscribers who have become disengaged over time. These emails are crucial for reducing churn rates and reviving the interest of once-active users. Use re-engagement emails when noticing a drop in interaction, such as decreased open rates triggered emails or diminished website engagement.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • HubSpot: Ideal for creating segmented lists of disengaged users and automating re-engagement campaigns with personalized messages.

  • While more sales-focused, can help identify and segment users for targeted re-engagement based on their previous interactions.

  • Mailchimp: With its segmentation and automation features, Mailchimp is suitable for sending re-engagement emails to users who haven't interacted with your emails for a set period.

Strategy and Implementation:

Identify subscribers who have not engaged with your emails over a specific period and segment them for targeted re-engagement campaigns. Use compelling subject lines and personalized content to engaged subscribers to reignite their interest. Offering incentives, sharing updates, or asking for feedback can motivate users to re-engage with your brand. Measuring the success of these campaigns is vital to your future campaigns and understanding what resonates with your audience.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: We Miss You**

Subject: We've Missed You at [Company Name]!

Hi [Name],

It's been a while since we last heard from you, and we miss having you around! We've been busy improving our [products/services] and thought you might be interested in what's new.

[Insert brief overview of new features, products, or services].

Let's catch up soon. We're here to support you every step of the way.


[Your Name]


**Template 2: Special Offer**

Subject: A Special Offer Just for You, [Name]!

Hi [Name],

As one of our valued customers, we've prepared something special just for you. We're offering [specific offer] to welcome you back!

[Insert details of the offer].

This offer is available for a limited time only. Don't miss out!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


**Template 3: Feedback Request**

Subject: We Value Your Feedback, [Name]

Hi [Name],

Your opinion means the world to us, and we're reaching out to see how we can improve your experience with [Company Name].

[Insert a brief survey or feedback request].

As a thank you for your time, we're offering [incentive]. We look forward to hearing from you!


[Your Name]

Cart Abandonment Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Cart abandonment emails are a strategic response to one of the most common challenges in e-commerce: shoppers filling a cart but not completing the purchase. These automated emails serve as a gentle reminder to customers about what they've left behind, potentially reclaiming lost sales. They are particularly beneficial when sent shortly after abandonment, capitalizing on the customer's existing interest in the product. The key benefits include improved conversion rates, deeper insights into why carts are abandoned, and an opportunity to personalize the shopping experience further.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • Klaviyo: This platform shines for e-commerce sites, especially those integrated with Shopify. Klaviyo's automated cart abandonment emails can be customized based on customer behavior, making it easier to recapture lost sales with personalized messages.

  • HubSpot: With its robust CRM and marketing automation capabilities, HubSpot allows for the creation of personalized cart abandonment email workflows that can be triggered based on specific customer actions, helping to recover potential sales effectively.

  • Mailchimp: Offering a range of automation features, Mailchimp supports the deployment of cart abandonment emails as part of its e-commerce capabilities. Its user-friendly interface and integration with various e-commerce platforms make it a solid choice for businesses looking to start with cart recovery campaigns.

Strategy and Implementation:

To effectively deploy cart abandonment emails, it's essential to segment your audience based on their shopping behavior and personalize the emails with items left in the cart. Timing is critical; sending an email too soon or too late can impact its effectiveness. Start with a compelling subject line that reminds the customer of their incomplete purchase and include a clear call to action that makes it easy for them to return to their cart. Incorporating incentives, such as free shipping or a discount, post purchase emails can further enhance the likelihood of completing the purchase. For businesses leveraging Shopify, integrating with Klaviyo can enable highly targeted and automated email strategies that directly address cart abandonment issues. For a broader approach, utilizing HubSpot's or Mailchimp's automation features can help tailor the shopping experience, encouraging customers to return and complete their purchases.

Template Suggestions: 

**Template 1: Reminder*

Subject: Forgot Something, [Name]?

Hi [Name],

It looks like you left something behind in your cart. Don't worry, we've saved it for you!

[Insert details of the items left in the cart].

Complete your purchase now and get [incentive, if any].

See you soon,

[Your Name]


**Template 2: Incentive to Complete Purchase**

Subject: Here's [Discount/Free Shipping] on Your Next Purchase!

Hi [Name],

We noticed you haven't completed your purchase yet. How about a little nudge? Enjoy [discount/free shipping] on us!

[Insert coupon code or offer details].

This offer is valid for the next 48 hours. Don't miss out!


[Your Name]


**Template 3: Product Highlights**

Subject: Still Thinking It Over?

Hi [Name],

Need more time to think? Here's a closer look at what you're missing out on:

[Insert detailed descriptions or benefits of the products in the cart].

Remember, our [customer support/product experts] are here to answer any questions you might have. Let's get you what you need.


[Your Name]

Promotional Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Promotional emails are designed to highlight special offers, discounts, new product launches, or exclusive deals to your email list. The main benefit of using promotional emails is to drive immediate sales, increase brand awareness, and introduce new products or services to your market. These emails are best used when you have a clear promotional strategy in place, such as during a product launch, a holiday season, or a special sales event. They're effective in creating urgency and encouraging customers to take advantage of limited-time offers.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • Klaviyo: Especially powerful for e-commerce, Klaviyo enables businesses to send targeted promotional emails based on customer behavior and past purchase history, maximizing the relevance and effectiveness of each campaign.

  • HubSpot: HubSpot's all-in-one marketing platform allows for the creation of deeply personalized promotional email campaigns. Its segmentation and analytics capabilities ensure that your promotional messages reach the right audience at the right time.

  • Mailchimp: With a wide array of templates and automation options, Mailchimp is a great tool for creating engaging promotional emails. Its A/B testing feature allows businesses to optimize their emails for better performance.

Strategy and Implementation:

Crafting effective promotional emails involves a clear understanding of your audience and what offers are most likely to appeal to them. Segment your email list to ensure that promotions are more relevant messages to each subgroup. Use compelling visuals and persuasive copy to highlight the benefits of your offer. Timing is critical; schedule your emails to coincide with when your audience is most likely to shop. Track the performance of your campaigns with A/B testing to continually refine your approach. Incorporating elements like urgency ("Offer ends soon!") and exclusivity ("Exclusive offer for subscribers") can significantly enhance customer engagement and conversions.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: New Product Launch**

Subject: Introducing Our Latest [Product/Service]!

Hi [Name], 

We're thrilled to introduce our latest [product/service]! [Brief description of the product/service and its benefits].

As a valued member of our community, we're offering you an exclusive [discount/early access].

[Insert product details and offer].

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be among the first to experience [product/service]. Shop now!


[Your Name]


**Template 2: Flash Sale**

Subject: Flash Sale Alert: [Discount]% Off For the Next 24 Hours!

Hi [Name],

It's happening now! Enjoy [discount]% off your favorite items during our flash sale. But hurry, this offer lasts for only 24 hours!

[Insert details of the sale and how to redeem the offer].

Happy shopping!

Your friends at [Company Name]


 **Template 3: Seasonal Offer**

Subject: Celebrate [Season/Holiday] With Us - Exclusive Offers Inside!

Hi [Name],

[Season/Holiday] is a time for joy, and we're spreading the cheer with exclusive offers just for you.

[Insert details of seasonal offers, products, or services].

Join the celebration and make the most of these special deals!

Warmest wishes,

[Your Name]

Feedback Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Feedback emails are essential for gathering insights from your customers about their experiences with your product or service. These emails can help you identify areas for improvement, gauge customer satisfaction, and strengthen customer relationships by showing that you value their opinions. Feedback emails are most effective when sent after a customer has had enough time to experience your offering, following a purchase, or after a customer service interaction.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • SurveyMonkey: Integrating SurveyMonkey with your email marketing platform allows you to embed surveys directly into your feedback emails, making it easy for customers to provide their insights.

  • HubSpot: Utilize HubSpot to automate feedback email campaigns post-purchase or after a customer service interaction. HubSpot's analytics can help you track response rates and customer sentiment over time.

  • Mailchimp: Mailchimp's survey and feedback tools can be used to design and send feedback emails efficiently. Its reporting features help analyze feedback for actionable insights.

Strategy and Implementation:

To effectively collect feedback, ensure your emails are concise and respectful of your customers' time. Include a direct call to action in welcome email, such as a link to a survey, and make it clear how long the survey will take. Personalize the email to reflect the customer's recent experience with your brand, and consider offering an incentive for completing the survey. Analyze the collected data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Regularly updating your product or service based on customer feedback can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: Post-Purchase Feedback**

Subject: Help Us Improve Your Experience

Hi [Name],

Thank you for your recent purchase. We hope you're loving your new [product/service]. Could you spare a few moments to provide us with some feedback?

[Insert feedback request or link to survey].

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve.

Thank you,

[Your Name] 


**Template 2: Service Feedback**

Subject: We're Listening - Share Your Thoughts!

Hi [Name],

At [Company Name], we're always looking to improve our services. We would love to hear about your experience with us.

[Insert brief survey or feedback form].

As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive [incentive] for your time.

Thank you for helping us grow. 

[Your Name]


**Template 3: Product Review Request**

Subject: Love Your [Product]? Tell Us About It!

Hi [Name],

We're thrilled you chose [product/service], and we hope it's everything you expected and more. Would you mind sharing your thoughts in a review?

[Insert link to review page].

Your insights not only help us but also guide others in their decision-making.

Thanks for your support,

[Your Name]

Educational Emails

Benefits and When to Use:

Educational emails aim to provide value to your subscribers by sharing knowledge, tips, industry insights, or how-to guides related to your product or service. The benefits of sending educational emails include positioning your brand as a thought leader, building trust with various customer segments of your audience, customer retention, and nurturing a long-term relationship with your subscribers. These emails are particularly effective for engaging with subscribers who are not yet ready to make a purchase but are interested in learning more about your industry or how to solve specific problems.

Tooling Suggestions:

  • HubSpot: Ideal for creating content-rich educational email series that nurture leads through the sales funnel. HubSpot's analytics also allow you to measure engagement and refine your content strategy over time.

  • Mailchimp: With its user-friendly design tools and content management features, Mailchimp is great for businesses starting with educational content. Its segmentation capabilities ensure that the right content reaches the right segment of your audience.

  • ConvertKit: Designed for creators and educators, ConvertKit makes it easy to build and deliver engaging educational email sequences. Its tagging system allows for sophisticated subscriber segmentation based on interests and engagement.

Strategy and Implementation:

Begin by identifying the educational needs of your audience and how your expertise can address those needs. Develop a content calendar that outlines the topics you plan to cover and the format of the content (e.g., articles, videos, infographics). Personalize your emails based on subscriber interests and past behavior to increase relevance and engagement. Include clear calls to action in each email, encouraging subscribers to learn more on your website, sign up for a webinar, or engage with additional resources. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics to continually adjust and improve your educational marketing email and strategy.

Template Suggestions:

**Template 1: How-To Guide**

Subject: Master [Topic] With Our Step-By-Step Guide

Hi [Name],

Ready to become a pro at [topic]? We've put together a detailed guide just for you.

[Insert brief overview of the guide and its benefits].

Dive in and start mastering [topic] today!


[Your Name]


**Template 2: Tips and Tricks**

Subject: [Number] Tips to Enhance Your [Area of Interest]

Hi [Name],

Looking to get more out of your [product/service]? Here are [number] tips and tricks that can help:

- Tip 1: [Brief description]

- Tip 2: [Brief description]

- Tip 3: [Brief description]

Try them out and see the difference!


[Your Name]


**Template 3: Industry Insights**

Subject: Stay Ahead With the Latest [Industry] Trends

Hi [Name],

In [industry], things move fast. Stay ahead with our roundup of the latest trends and insights:

- Insight 1: [Brief description]

- Insight 2: [Brief description]

- Insight 3: [Brief description]

Keep leading the way in [industry]!


[Your Name]

Subject Lines

Crafting compelling subject lines is crucial in email marketing, as they're the first impression your email makes and significantly influence open rates. Here's a concise guide to creating subject lines that grab attention and drive action

Understand Your Audience

Know the preferences, challenges, and language of your target audience. Personalization, including the use of the recipient or email client's name, can make the content creation an email feel more relevant and increase the likelihood of it being opened.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Aim for subject lines that are brief yet impactful. Most email clients display only the first 30 to 50 characters, so place the most important words at the beginning.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Using time-sensitive language encourages email recipients to act quickly. Phrases like “Ends tonight!” or “Last chance!” can increase open rates by creating a fear of missing out (FOMO).

Be Clear and Specific

Your subject line should give a clear indication of what the email contains. Misleading email subject lines can harm your brand's credibility and lead to higher unsubscribe rates.

Use Action-Oriented Language

Starting with verbs can make your blog post and subject line more engaging. Action words inspire the recipient to take action, whether it's "Discover," "Join," or "Save."

Test and Optimize

A/B testing different subject lines can reveal what resonates best with your audience. Experiment with different approaches, such as humor, questions, or message personalization, to find what works best.

Avoid Spam Triggers

Steer clear of using all caps, excessive exclamation points, and spammy words like “free,” “guarantee,” or “no risk,” which can trigger spam filters and reduce your email deliverability.

Incorporating these strategies into your subject lines can dramatically improve your email marketing performance, enhancing open rates and ultimately contributing to the success of your campaigns. Remember, the goal of email marketers is to be as relevant and enticing as possible to your specific audience.

Sales Email Best Practices

When considered sales email best practices, make sure you do the following:

  1. Use short content: if it can't be easily read on a mobile screen then it's probably too long

  2. Structure: it should follow an “E” or “F” in style with the longest lines going first

  3. Number of Emails: as a rule of thumb, I recommend sending 7-9 emails sent over a 28 day period, ensuring not to use repetition in content

  4. Pain Points: a campaign should have 4 different pain points being addressed, if you have too few, then the odds of it not being specific enough go down, but add to many and you have the same problem

  5. Unsubscribe link: it might seem counterintuitive, but not having a unsubscribe link will just tank your outreach efforts and servers think your emails are more spam than they are

Other Tools & Best Practices to Consider

Achieving success in the email marketing game requires more than just engaging content and striking subject lines; it also hinges on best practices that ensure your email campaigns actually reach your audience. Here's a distilled guide, incorporating essential keywords and practices for effective email marketing, including deliverability tips and the benefits of using advanced platforms like Mailforge.

To enhance the deliverability of your email campaigns, it's crucial to authenticate your email. Implementing email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authenticates your domain, boosting your credibility and ensuring your emails land in the right subscribers inboxes. Regularly cleaning your email list is another vital step, removing inactive subscribers to uphold a solid sender reputation and improve your email marketing strategy for better engagement.

Optimizing send times can significantly contribute to improving open rates in your email marketing campaign. Understanding when your audience is most likely to engage with your emails ensures they are more receptive to your email message anyway. This approach is part of how to create effective email campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Considering the best email marketing platform is key, with Mailforge offering robust solutions for businesses looking to advance their email marketing efforts. Platforms like Mailchimp, with its free plan features, and Klaviyo, known for its automated email sequences and marketing for Shopify, provide varied options for businesses of all sizes. These tools facilitate the email marketing landscape with list building techniques, automated email marketing solutions, and strategies for measuring success in email marketing campaigns.

Using advanced tools such as Mailforge allows for a comprehensive approach to email marketing 2024, incorporating email marketing templates and free email marketing services comparison to find what works best for your email marketing strategy for small businesses. This enables a deeper understanding and implementation of how to email market effectively, ensuring your campaigns are not only created but also delivered successfully to your intended audience.

You can discover more about how technical best practices for email marketing and how Mailforge can help in our blog post here.

Email marketing stands out as a consistently effective tool for reaching and engaging target audiences. By adopting a comprehensive email marketing strategy that includes thoughtful email campaigns, leveraging the right templates, and utilizing the best email marketing platforms, businesses can significantly enhance their marketing efficacy. Whether through Mailchimp's accessible features, Klaviyo's advanced e-commerce integrations, or exploring other free, email marketing software and services, the key to success lies in tailoring strategies to meet specific business needs. Implementing techniques for list building, optimizing for better open rates, and utilizing automated solutions are critical steps towards improving overall campaign performance. Moreover, the continuous measurement of campaign success ensures that businesses remain adaptable, making necessary adjustments to their strategies. Ultimately, the goal of email marketing is to create meaningful connections with your audience, driving engagement, conversions, and loyalty through well-crafted and strategically timed communications.


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